An eight-week series focused on how to lead Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Affinity Groups
Co-led by Michelle C. Johnson & Stephanie Ghoston Paul
Mondays, January 22nd-March 11th
11 - 1pm Central
Meeting in racial affinity groups is a common practice in anti-racist, social justice, diversity, and similar forms of educational endeavors.
These groups provide a structured space where participants can explore how racism personally and systemically impacts them, process specific experiences of racism, receive validation and support from their peers, heal, and strategize next steps for challenging racism, white supremacy, and internalized racial oppression.
Michelle, author of A Space For Us: A Guide For Leading Affinity Groups for Black Indigenous and People of Color, and Stephanie, a contributor to A Space For Us, bring together over thirty-five years of experience co-leading racial equity work in community and within organizations and corporations.
They are excited to offer a series focused on how to lead affinity groups for BIPOC, Bodies of Culture, and People of the Global Majority.
In this series, we will:
Build relationships with each other as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
Share a framework to deepen your understanding of the racial hierarchy and how it has impacted Black, Indigenous, and People of Color differently.
Define and share common manifestations of internalized racial oppression, and how it impacts BIPOC affinity group dynamics.
Define anti-Blackness and develop skills to interrupt and address it.
Share rituals, practices, and sample agendas for affinity groups.
Practice and build new facilitation skills to support you in leading BIPOC affinity groups.
Applications for the online series open in September. Add your contact information to our interest list to receive updates when applications open.
Join the interest list here: