We identify where the organization is, and spend time explicitly naming internal patterns and systems that don’t align with your organization’s external commitments.
Step #2: Dream + Build
Together we’ll imagine liberatory ways of being and doing, and co-design pathways that will help you move forward together, as an organization, despite knowing everyone is at different places on their journeys.
Step #3: Experiment + Align
This is where things get a little messy! In this phase, we’ll implement transformative experiments that spark changes on a small scale as we begin to cultivate a pattern for the larger system. And as we experiment, we’ll find ways to align those shifts across the organization, growing its original impact.
Step #4: Refine + Repeat
Learning from the mess, we’ll integrate feedback from the experiments and continue adapting and refining your processes as your internal culture becomes part of the liberated future you advocate for.